We ensure smooth business and administrative operations as an organizational and management team.

What does Team Finance do?
- Financial planning
- Accounting / annual reports
- Financial administration of projects
- Treasury
- Controlling, internal and external reporting

What does Team Logistics do?
- Shipping of all products
- Customs
- Logistics planning
- Order processing

What does Team Human Resources do?
- Reception, back office administration and travel planning
- Recruiting of new employees and applicant tracking
- Support for on- and offboarding
- Personnel development
- Payroll accounting
- Personnel management, clarification of employment contract issues
- Continued education / training concepts
- Administration of personnel files

What does Team IT do?
- Provision and management of the entire IT infrastructure
- Hardware and software administration
- Continued development of Web Tools, our internal ERP system
- Implementation of digitalization projects
- Management of data security
- Support for telephone system and mobile phone contracts
- IT license management

What does Team Communications do?
- Public relations and financial communication
- Internal communication
- Management of social media channels
- Website support and development
- Creation and production of printed materials, advertising materials
- Continued development of the corporate design