Speak Up

c-LEcta GmbH is committed to an environment where open and honest communications is lived. We want you to feel comfortable in approaching your line manager, or a senior manager, a confidant, or the Human Resources department in instances where you believe potential violations of our policies, regulations, industry standards or applicable laws have occurred.

If, as an individual in connection with your professional activity, you become aware or suspect that something is potentially illegal, unethical, unsafe or contrary to our policies, regulations, industry standards or applicable laws, we encourage you to promptly report the matter so that a timely investigation and appropriate action can be taken.

There are different ways to report your concerns:

We would like you to speak first to someone in c-LEcta. If you are an employee, then this could be your line manager, or a senior manager, a confidant, or the Human Resources Department.

In situations where you find speaking to another c-LEcta employee too difficult or impractical, we would encourage you to use our Speak Up channel. The Speak Up channel is a confidential tool available to all individuals hosted by an external and independent company called, Whistleblower Software ApS. 

You have the option to include your name and personal contact information with your report, or you can choose to remain anonymous. All reports are treated as strictly confidential and worthy of protection.

Please use the link to access our Speak Up channel:
